In a shocking turn of events, Suzuki Motorcycle India has been forced to suspend its operations due to a crippling cyberattack. Since May 10, the manufacturing giant has been grappling with the aftermath of this malicious intrusion, resulting in significant production losses estimated at over 20,000...
With the increasing use of technology in various sectors, cyber threats have become more prevalent than ever. Recently, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has issued a cyber alert against the 'Royal' ransomware, which has been specifically targeting the healthcare and education se...
In today's digitally-driven world, cybercrime is becoming increasingly prevalent. The rise in online frauds and scams has been a major concern for individuals and businesses alike. One recent example of this is the Hazira-based firm that was duped of Rs 1.2 crore by cyber fraudsters.
In today's digital age, data breaches have become a common occurrence, and the scale of damage they can cause to organizations cannot be overstated. According to recent statistics, approximately 52% of organizations worldwide have suffered a data breach in the past two years. This alarming trend hig...
The rise of ransomware attacks has been one of the most concerning trends in recent years, and unfortunately, the problem is only getting worse. In the latest development, a new strain of ransomware called "Dark Power" has claimed 10 victims in its first month of operation, according to re...
In recent years, mobile banking has become increasingly popular among consumers, providing them with greater convenience and flexibility when it comes to managing their finances. However, with this rise in mobile banking comes an increase in security risks, as cybercriminals target vulnerable mobile...
Zee News recently conducted an exclusive investigation and revealed a major breach in our nation's security. The e-mail server of the Ministry of External Affairs was hacked, making it one of the biggest cyber-attacks to hit India in recent years. This security breach has also been confirmed by the ...
In recent months, reports have highlighted the dangers of using AI-powered tools such as #ChatGPT to create convincing phishing emails. These emails are designed to fool even the most vigilant and tech-savvy user into giving away their information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. At Delphi...
On March 25th, 2023, the world-renowned luxury carmaker Ferrari was hit by a severe cyberattack. The hackers successfully stole a large amount of sensitive customer information, including payment data, and demanded a hefty ransom for its safe return. The attack has sparked widespread concern about t...